About the Board
Board is constituted under regulation 12 of education regulation of Pharmacy Council of India


Dr.Umesh S
Drugs Controller (i/c)
Dr. Kalaskar Gurunath

Sri.Nazeer Ahamed
Member Secretary


Gazetted Assistant :
Smt. Kavitha


Superintendent :

Smt. Nandini. M.G.


Smt. Suchitra


Smt. Kavitha Rani. K.R.



Group D
Sri Vijaykumar
Members of the Board
Dr. Kalaskar Gurunath
Govt. College of Pharmacy, Bengaluru
Member Secretary
Borad of Examining Authority, Bengaluru
Dr.Vijay G. Joshi
Govt. College of Pharmacy, Bengaluru
Dr. Chandrashekar Javali
Govt. College of Pharmacy, Bengaluru
Dr. Shivakumarswamy
Mallige College of Pharmacy, Bengaluru
Dr.Ashok Malpani
Rajiv Memorial Education Society College of Pharmacy, Kalaburgi
Dr. MD Salahuddin
Al Ameen College of Pharmacy, Bengaluru

(Published in Part III, Section IV, of the Gazettes of India, dated 8th January 1978)
File No, 14-21 / 71-PCI


In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 10 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 (8 of 1948), the Pharmacy Council of India, with the approval of the Central Government, hereby makes the following regulation, namely :


  1. Short title and commencement – (1) these regulations may be called the Education Regulations, 1972.
  2. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
  3. Qualification for a Pharmacist:--(1) The minimum standard of education required for qualification as a pharmacist shall be Diploma in Pharmacy (PartI) and Diploma (Part II) or any other qualification approved by the Pharmacy (Part- I) or Diploma in Pharmacy (Part II) as the case may be.
  4. Diploma in Pharmacy (PatrI) shall consist of a certificate of having passed the course of study given in Chapter 2 of these Regulations.
  5. Diploma in Pharmacy (Part II) shall consist a certificate of having completed a course of practical training as given in Chapter 3 of these Regulations.


Constitutions of the Board :

The Government of Mysore have constitute the Board of examining Authority vide G.O. No. PHS 853 MMC 65, dated 27th August 1966 under regulation 12 of the Education Regulations of Pharmacy Council of India, hereinafter called the “Board”.


  1. The Board is constituted under the following personnel by Government Order.
  2. Drugs Controller for the State of Mysore, Bangalore, Chairman.
  3. Reader, Government College of Pharmacy, Bangalore, Member.
  4. Reader, Government College of Pharmacy, Bangalore, Member.
  5. Deputy Drugs Controller for the State of Mysore, Bangalore, Member Secretary.

The Board shall inspect the institution from time to time and approve well equipped institutions for the purpose of conduction of examinations in a satisfactory manner as required in Appendix-D of the Education Regulations of Pharmacy Council of India.

The Board shall conduct examinations at the end of first year course and second year course of study according to the prescribed syllabus and scheme of examination as given in the Education Regulation of the Pharmacy Council of India.

Member Secretary of the Board shall be responsible for the maintenance of all administrative, examination and financial records.

At Present:

Board is constituted under regulation 12 of education regulation of Pharmacy Council of India


  • Drug Controller
  • Chairman
  • Member Secretary (I/C)
  • Assistant Secretary
  • Assistant Secretary
    (admission Approval)
  • Assistant Secretary
Board Office
  • Gazetted Assistant
Certificate Section
  • Superintendent
  • FDA
  • SDA
Marks Card Section
  • Superintendent
  • Typist
  • Dispatch Section
  • Account Section


A. Examination :

(I) Eligibility :

Only such of the candidates whose application for registration are duly certified by the Head of the concerned institution as eligible vide regulation No.9 and 10 of Education Regulations of Pharmacy Council of India shall be eligible to appear for the examinations.

Provided further that their discipline behaviors and character have also been certified as satisfactory by the respective Head of Institutions.

(ii) Counters of Examinations:

The Examination shall be shall be held only at such centers as the Board may approve from time to time which shall be announced, before the last date of registration for examination. The Candidates registered for examination shall appear for the examination only at that center assigned for the institutions which the candidate has fulfilled his course requirement.

(iii) Date of Examination:

Dates of Annual / Supplementary Examinations shall be announced by the Member Secretary of the Board through the Heads of Institutions before the commencement of the examination.
(iv) Mode of Registration for Examinations:

Applications in the prescribed form for registration to the Public Examinations shall be sent to the Member Secretary of the Board through the Heads of Institutions in which they have studied last, on or before the last date fixed together with receipts for having paid the prescribed fee along with attested copies of marks cards of the previous examinations.

Candidates who have passed the examination in parts shall enclose the attested copies of marks cards of all the previous attempts to the application for registration.

Candidates who have failed once and are reappearing for the examination shall also attach the copies of marks cards, of their previous attempts in the said examination.

Applications sent directly to the Member Secretary of the Board shall not be entertained.

Candidates, who give false information in their applications, shall not be admitted to the examination and in case they appear for the examination, their results shall be cancelled and disciplinary action shall be taken.,

Application blanks and the admission tickets could be had only form the Heads of the Institutions where the candidate studied last.

(v) Examination Fees:

The following are the prescribed fees for the examinations in part/full, conducted by the Board, Changes, if any, in the rates shall be notified as and when they are made.

Sl. No Examination Prescribed fees ( RS.)
First Year Diploma Examination--All subjects
Second Year Diploma Examination—all subjects
Appearing for one subject Preliminary / Final
Appearing for two subjects Preliminary / Final
Appearing for more than two subjects Preliminary / Final

The examination fee shall be paid in cash only to the Heads of Institutions concerned within the period prescribed. No challans will be accepted.

Scheduled castes tribes candidates who are exempted from payment of examination fee in view of the concession extended to them. The panel fee for last submission of applications is also applicable to scheduled castes an d scheduled tribes candidates.

(VI) Refund of Examination fees:

The examination and penal fees once paid for registration to the examination will on no account be refunded or reserved or adjusted for the next or subsequent examinations.
(VII) Change of Name:

Candidates who have subsequently changed their names should send a copy of Gazette Notification together with a challan for Rs.100 and intimate the Member Secretary of the Board, through the concerned Heads of Institution.

(VIII) Admission tickets:

The Member Secretary of the Board shall after satisfying himself that a candidate has furnished all the requirements for admission to the examination send admission tickets to the concerned Heads of Institutions. The candidates shall receive the admission tickets from the concerned Heads of Institutions.

" Candidates will not be admitted to either in theory or practical examination hall without the admission tickets".

Duplicate admission tickets shall be issued to a candidate by the Member Secretary of the Board /or the Chief Superintendent of the Center, provided the loss of the original is established to the satisfaction of the Member Secretary/Chief Superintendent, however the admission ticket issued by the Chief Superintendent of any center shall be subject to the approval of the Member Secretary of the Board


Candidates should have with them their admission tickets for inspection by the Invigilators or examiners on all the days of examination (both theory and practical.)

Candidates who are not in possession of admission tickets will not be permitted to appear for the examination.

Candidates should occupy their seats allotted in the examination hall at least ten minutes before the time fixed for the commencement of the examination.

Candidates who are suffering from infectious diseases of any kind will not be a admitted to the examination hall.

Candidates who are sick should report to the Chief Superintendent with necessary medical certificate to the effect that their illness is not contagious.

Candidates coming more than half an hour late after he commencement of the examination will not be admitted.

Candidates are prohibited from writing their names on any part of their answer books only register number should be written very distinctly on the first page of each answer book. Answer books are liable to be rejected for failure to write the register number Answer books shall also be rejected if any attempt is made by the candidate directly or indirectly to discloser his /her identity.

Candidates are not allowed to leave the examination hall before the expiry of at least half an hour from the commencement of the examination and a candidate, who wishes to complete the examination before the end of scheduled time and leave the examination hall, shall submit the answer books to the invigilator before leaving. However, such candidate will not be allowed to re enter the examination


Malpractice in examination will be severelly dealt with, and candidates found guilty will be rusticated by the Board from appearing for examinations and penalty will be imposed, as laid down hereunder.
Nature of Malpractice Punishment
Possession of manuscript or literature or a portion of text book or text book itself or notes by the Candidate.
The candidates shall be sent out of examination hall for the paper. He shall however be allowed to take the subsequent papers of Examination.
Communicating in the examination hall by gestures and conversation.
The answer book shall be confiscated from the candidate and a statement obtained, The Chief Superintendent shall obtain the report from the Invigilator concerned and shall forward these documents to the Member Secretary of the Board, If the Board is convinced of the guilt the the candidate shall be debarred for two examinations including the one in which he/she has committed malpractice.
Tampering with the name, register number his/her signature etc. in the admission ticket issued by the Board.
A warning shall be given by the Invigilator in the first instance under report to the Chief superintendent In case the candidate repeats, he/she shall be sent out of the examination hall and the matter reported to the Member Secretary of the Board. The first warning shall be recorded on the facing sheet of the answer book of the candidate by the Invigilator under his initial with the approval of the Chief Superintendent “First Warning given for Communication.
Impersonation at the Examination hall.
The candidate shall be debarred from appearing for-two examinations conducted by the Board-including the one in which he/she tampered with the admissions ticket.
Tampering with answer books of other candidates in the Examination hall.
The candidate who is impersonated shall be debarred, from appearing for examinations conducted by the Board to a maximum period of four years.
Attempts to take out or send out of the examination room any blank answer book or additional sheets and receive the answer books or additional sheets from outside the examination hall.
If the Board is convinced of the guilt, the candidate shall be debarred from appearing for two examinations including the one in which he/she has committed malpractice.
Copying from manuscripts books or notes or from answer books of Neighbors.
The invigilator shall seize such an answer book, additional sheets or manuscripts and shall obtain an explanation from the concerned candidate and report the matter to the Chief Superintendent. He shall thereon record his finding and forward the same to the Member Secretary of the Board. If the Board is convinced about the guilt the candidate shall be debarred from appearing for two examinations including the one in which he/she committed the malpractice.
Misbehavior like talking shouting, etc, in the examination Hall.
The candidate shall be sent out of the examination hall. However the candidate will be admitted to the subsequent papers on the same or other days. The candidate shall be debarred, from taking two examinations including the one in which he/she has committed malpractice, if the Board is convinced of the guilt,
Candidates who are debarred From appearing for examination due to the nature of malpractices Indicated in SI. Nos.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 7 and who are again found guilty of committing similar malpractices in subsequent Examination.
The candidate shall be sent out of the examination hall by the Chief Superintendent for that paper.
Possession of mobile phone in on or off mode is deemed as malpractice

If the Board is convinced of the guilt the candidate shall be debarred for four examinations including the one in which he/she has committed malpractice.




The final results as approved by the Board will be published at the office of the Member Secretary of the Board, Bangalore and in all the Institutions. It will be published in boards
website www.beadpharmacy.org.

Marks Cards will be issued soon after the publication of the results to every candidate who has appeared for the Public Examination, thorough the Heads of Institution in which he/she has studied.


Provisional passing Certificates will be issued by the Member Secretary of the Board to a student who has successfully completed the Final D-Pharm Examination and the practical training on making an application in a prescribed form and on payment of Rs. 200.


Application for retotaling of marked in any theory or practical subjects shall reach the Member Secretary of the Board, within one Calendar month from the date of publication of results by the Board along with a fee of Rs.300 per subject. Any application received beyond that date will be rejected .

No application for revaluation of answer books will entertained.


Candidates shall be eligible to obtain Diploma Certificates from the Board only after:
  1. Successful completion of the prescribed Diploma Course, Vide regulation No. 3. Of Education Regulations of Pharmacy Council of India.
  2. Successful completion of the prescribed Diploma Course, Vide regulation No. 5. Of Education Regulations of Pharmacy Council of India.
  3. And submission to the Member Secretary of the Board of the original and an attested copy of the certificate of the said training in Appendix-E

Duplicates Diploma certificate shall be issued to candidates on making an application through the Head of the respective institution in the prescribed form and on payment of fee as prescribed by the Board is satisfied that the original Diploma is lost or destroyed, *(Clause for a affidavit may be included here) The application for a duplicate Diploma should be accompanied by an affidavit from a First Class Magistrate.

The fee for duplicate marks card, duplicate Diploma certificate /change of name, must be paid in the institution, which in turn the institution will forward to the Board .

N.B:--As there is a likelihood of the budget head being modified, the candidates before remitting the fees must ascertain the correct head of Account from the Officer of Institutions or Office of the Member Secretary of the Board before making such payments.

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